Serenity Prayer:
God, grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference.
I think for a long time the only power I felt I had was to get enraged. I felt powerless in every other way. It’s funny that I think I’m in charge and intimidating when I get angry, because really, the anger has me on strings like a puppet. Anger is a normal human emotion, but without a proper channel for it, it only spells destruction. And that’s where I had gotten to—destruction. Nothing good was coming from these rages.
My partner’s drinking had cost her many things in her life. It seemed she would rather do anything than admit she was powerless over her drinking and, in that powerlessness, find the strength that comes with surrendering. In my moments of rage, I, too, needed to surrender and realize that I was powerless over alcohol and that my life had become unmanageable, as it says in Step One.
I finally listened to the inner voice that told me to come back to Al‑Anon. One afternoon, in a situation where I normally would’ve gotten angry and a terrible fight would’ve surely broken out, I just didn’t say anything. I got in the car and distanced myself from the situation. I had no idea what to do anymore. Then I saw an Al‑Anon poster in town, and I knew what I needed to do.
Just being here in meetings has given me so much hope and has made me feel loved. I think that just stepping through the door to attend a meeting is the first step to healing. Reflecting on Step One this past week, I’ve felt more peaceful. I know that when things become unmanageable again, I just have to remember that when I take care of myself and stop trying to control others, the anger dissipates, and peace takes its place.
By Anonymous
The Forum, October 2024
Reprinted with permission of The Forum, Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA.
According to social media research, nearly 3.5 billion people now use social media and are spending an average of nearly 2.5 hours every day on social networks. With stats like those, it’s no wonder that social media can be a great place to carry Al-Anon’s message of help and hope.
But before we as individuals start tweeting and posting, we need to consider the impact it may have on our personal anonymity as well as Al-Anon as a whole. As expected, we have members on both sides of this pendulum. Some are very cautious while others are more accepting when it comes to social media.
On page 122 of the 2018-2021 Al‑Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27), the “Digest of Al‑Anon and Alateen Policies” states, “Members maintain personal anonymity in all forms of public media including press, radio, films, TV, the internet, as well as other ways of reaching the public.” So how can you carry the message on social media and maintain personal anonymity? By liking or sharing Al-Anon WSO content to your network but not commenting about your Al‑Anon membership. The act of liking/sharing alone does not break your anonymity; Facebook is public so anyone, regardless of their relationship to Al-Anon, is free to like/share our content. We have several professionals and professional institutions who engage with our content on a regular basis.
Not commenting about your Al-Anon membership is key. If we publicly declare our membership on social networks, we risk becoming the “face” of Al-Anon, and any statements we’ve made or photos we’ve shared on social media, any time in the past, could potentially draw Al-Anon into controversy. We must remind ourselves that maintaining our anonymity is how we safeguard our program.
So, while it’s safe to hit the Like and Share buttons, we want to avoid comments stating that we are grateful members of Al-Anon—leave that for the rooms.
For more information, go to:
Please follow the links below to the Al-Anon World Service Organization's main web page. There are free podcasts available there on basic Al-Anon topics.
Did we cause our loved one to drink?
What does it mean, our lives became unmanageable?
Why did I feel afraid to go to my first Al-Anon meeting?
How did I feel at my first Al-Anon meeting?
Please head over to the events page for a downloadable information and registration form. Hope you can join us!